Version 0.3.16

Large Guest Rooms

I added new guest room type. They are large rooms with multiple guests. The section with guests is still very wip, but I needed to test all dungeon templates with larger guest rooms.

Big part of the room is hidden behind giant curtains (constructions in progress). I ave big plans for guest rooms, but more on that in future.

Plants and Figurines

I changed how decorations are thrown - you can aim them lower than crates

Decorations grow in size after landing - that should make it easier to see them and use them for platforming in some cases.

I also added particles to them on impact.

Figurines spawn rate got increased.

I added new figurines - there are 15 figurines in the game now.

Dungeon Templates

I updated dungeon templates to include the new guest rooms. I think I was pretty generous with crates in the new rooms, but I am not sure if they make some dungeons too easy or too hard, so I expect balancing them more in future especially after those placeholder rooms get replaced.


I changed their materials - they should be easier to look at now.


Goblin Resort version 0.3.16 150 MB
27 days ago
Goblin Resort version 0.3.16 148 MB
27 days ago

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